Monday, March 24, 2014

When skies are grey...

I am so completely hung up on "The Calendar Hung Itself" by Bright Eyes. The problem with the "Starred" list on Spotify is that I often don't wander past it and listen to many of the same songs over and over again. When I was young(er?) I would listen to entire albums over and over. Sometimes I still do, but these days most often it's this playlist.

I watched "Indiscreet" with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman tonight. Fucking charming flick that is. Mostly. What stung me at the end was how happy she was to have landed her man. I suppose it was clear early on that was her goal, but there seemed something so blatant, so like social programming in the delivery to the punch line finishing shot of her smiling with her head on his shoulder that left me acrid. And I love Cary Grant. There was something much more honest about her wanting him than there was about her having him.

As for the social programming, is it biology or information overload that imbues this idea of happiness coming from coupling? I don't know. I get the need to know and be known, the need for attention and affection, but there's no formula for it. Surely there can't be, but the implied definitions spewed in movies and TV and music are overwhelming. Too much might be more accurate.

"You love to be in love, but you never really love" is the lyric being sung by Hefner as I type this. How appropriate.

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